Your privacy is very important to us. At, we are committed to undertaking substantial measures to protect the privacy, accuracy, and reliability of your personal information and to protect such information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. Please read the following description of our policies and practices regarding your personal information.
- We may request personal information from visitors such as name, home address, e-mail address, age, income, interests and gender for purposes such as newsletters, contests, opinion polls, and registration, and for participation in other interactive online activities. We do not request sensitive personal information, such as racial or ethnic origin or health or medical data. We will NOT share mailing list information with other businesses outside of the NSA Enterprises L.L.C. family of websites/companies. This currently includes: and This list is subject to change. If you wish to unsubscribe or opt-out of our mailing list, please email us at
- From time to time, we may place a “cookie” on your computer. A cookie is a file written to your computer’s hard drive that records certain technical information about your Internet usage, such as your IP address, browser type, or domain name. Also, if you submit personal information to our web site (such as your name, interests or preferences), we may use cookies to keep track of such information so that you will not need to reenter this information during subsequent visits. We use cookies to customize delivery of our web site content and advertisements. You may set your Internet browser preferences to notify you when you receive a cookie or decline acceptance of cookies. If you decline acceptance of cookies, however, you may experience less than optimal performance of our web site.
- may update this policy. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your account or by placing a prominent notice on our site.
- If you have any comments or questions about the information you have submitted on this web site, including its accuracy or integrity, or if you wish to access and verify such information, you may send an e-mail to You may also call us at 1-866-444-8427.