Pay Per Head 101

Pay Per Head 101


If you made it to this page, I’m assuming you have heard the term “pay per head” before. In this article, we’re going to explain exactly what a pay-per-head (PPH) service offers.


What is a Pay-Per-Head (PPH) Service?


PPH services allow anyone in the world to launch an offshore sportsbook. Most of these services are based out of Costa Rica, which is also home to several big bookmakers.


The major selling point of these services is that they’re typically all-inclusive and affordable.


How Much Do PPH Services Cost?


The cost of PPH services varies, but most charge $7-$10/head on average. You may be wondering what that means. When you see the term $10/head it means you’ll pay $10 weekly per active bettor.


If you have 20 people betting each week your cost would be $200/week.


The price per head that you pay will decrease with volume. The big PPH shops offer big discounts based on volume and you can save a lot as your sportsbook starts to grow.


What Does a PPH Service Include?


Just like the cost, the number of features included varies as well. At minimum, a PPH bookie service will provide the software to run a sportsbook, casino and racebook (mobile-friendly).


Most services will also have a team to provide support (Player + IT). PPH services will also handle all of the betting markets (setting/moving lines). You just need to bring in players to start betting.


However, the top price per head services have many more features for PPH bookies.


  • Website: Having a custom website with your own domain (URL) is great for branding. Some services will develop a website for free, while other services charge an extra fee.


  • Call Center: I would recommend sticking to a PPH service with a 24/7 call center. Not only will the call center reps handle player support issues, freeing you of dealing with them, but your players will also be able to place bets using telephone wagering if they prefer.


  • Tools: Some services will have tools that others don’t. For example, managing risk is one of the most important things to worry about as a bookmaker. Some PPH services have tools to assist you with player risk management. Some services also have added reporting features.


Start a PPH Bookie Today


Are you ready to become a PPH bookie? You can start making money today. Your account will be set-up instantly, so if you have people ready to bet, there’s no reason to wait.


The leading PPH services also offer free trials in most cases. For example, at A1PPH you can claim a four week trial with no upfront costs. You won’t pay a dime until after four weeks. This is a great way to get your business up and running on a limited budget.


Who would have ever thought launching an online sportsbook would be so simple? Not only that, but it’s affordable when you utilize a PPH service, which everyone should be doing.


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