NFL Power Rankings Week 12, 2010

Rank/Team/W-L/Last Wk


1. Jets 8-2 (1) Not sure if they are finding ways to win which is a sign of a good team, or they are just lucky as hell.  Game at NE will tell the tale…

2.Patriots 8-2 (2) Pittsburgh and Indy in two weeks, not bad.  Defense is still pretty shaky though.

3. Falcons 8-2 (3) Showed up on the road and took care of business.

4. Eagles 7-3 (4) Vick better learn to slide or he won’t last the year.

5.Packers 7-3 (5) Rodgers exorcised the Favre demons once and for all…2 games, 2 big wins, 2 coaches fired….

6.Colts 6-4 (6) You can’t kill these guys, they are ALWAYS in the game with Peyton Gump slinging it.

7. Saints 7-3 (10) The NFC road to the superbowl still goes through New Orleans.

8. Steelers 7-3 (7) Still a good team, but can’t match up against top-notch QB’s like Brady, Manning or Brees…

9. Ravens 7-3 (7) Decent team, but I’m not sold on Joe Flatulence at QB.

10. Bucs 7-3 (11) Surprise team of the year…  anytime you can go into anyone’s stadium and shut them out, you have a squad.

11. Chargers 5-5 (13) Will anyone be surprised when they run away with the AFC West?

12. Giants 6-4 (9) Where was the offense the other night?  On the side of a milk carton, that’s where.


13. Bears 7-3 (12) Nice record sure, but does anyone think this team is going anywhere?

14. Chiefs 6-4 (17) Nice rebound game from the ass-whipping the Donkey’s laid on them.

15. Jags 6-4 (18) Every time I think this team is dead and buried, they pull out a few more wins.

16. Seahawks 5-5 (20) How embarrassing is it that every team in the NFC West lost Sunday and .500 is the best any team can do?

17. Raiders 5-5 (14) You are not beating the Steelers by just running the ball, I don’t care how high you are ranked.  Loved Seymour’s bitch slap of Big Ben though.

18. Redskins 5-5 (27) Another good rebound game after Vick ripped them a new ass last week.

19. Dolphins 5-5 (15) Set offensive football back 50 years with that display on Thursday night.

20. Titans 5-5 (16) Forget VY, maybe Porn Stache needs to go….

21. Cowboys 3-7 (29) Playing loose now…. now that there’s no more pressure on them.

22. Browns 4-6 (19) Did you look down your nose at Jacksonville?

23. Rams 4-6 (22) Just not on Atlanta’s level yet.


24. Texans 4-6 (21) Absolutely pitiful display of defense in the last minute…. the Jets were who we thought they were, and you let em off the hook!

25. Vikings 3-7 (23) Now that the Bald Guy is gone, who is Washed Up Brett going to use as his scapegoat?

26. Bills 2-8 (31) Went into Cincy and torpedoed the Ship of Fools….

27. Cardinals 3-7 (24) No QB, no Chance.

28. Broncos 3-7 (26) Hey Lil Hoodie, you need to script more than just the first series…  woeful, just woeful.

29. Niners 3-7 (25) Time for Singletary to go….”can’t coach with him”, can’t win with him”.

30. Lions 2-8 (28) Still have nice Uni’s….

31. Bengals 2-8 (30) If that doesn’t convince ownership that Marvin Lewis is clueless, nothing will.

32. Panthers 1-9 (32) A team without a plan.

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